English 10
Literary Studies
& Composition
Guiding Questions How can I choose a research question that is focused, engaging, and manageable? ​​ How do I identify credible and reliable sources for my research? ​How do I evaluate the quality and relevance of the evidence I find? What steps can I take to ensure my research includes diverse perspectives? ​​ How do I integrate evidence effectively to support my argument?
Guiding Questions
How does examining smaller components of a text help us to better understand the whole?
What literary elements do authors use to deepen our comprehension of a story?
​Why are there universal themes in literature–that is, themes that are of interest or concern to all cultures and societies?
How do we think critically, creatively, and reflectively to analyze ideas within, between, and beyond texts?
Unit 3
Literacy Assessment
The Grade 10 Literacy Assessment assesses student ability to use critical thinking and analysis to make meaning from a diverse array of texts. It also assesses the ability of students to communicate their ideas. The Grade 10 Literacy Assessment is not based on a particular course, but on learning across multiple subjects, from kindergarten to Grade 10.
Guiding Questions
How do different forms, formats, structures, and features of texts enhance and shape meaning?
How does the role of story and oral tradition demonstrate values, beliefs, and points of view for First Peoples?
How can we use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging texts?