English 10
Literary Studies
& Composition
APA Writing
We will be using APA style writing for English 12.
This page is intended to be a resource page with
information and links to support you.
General APA Guidelines:
11 or 12 size font
Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman fonts
1" margins on all sides
Page numbers top right-hand corner
Title Page
Main Body
Body Paragraphs (may include headings)
Reference Page
Useful sites to help you
with formatting:
I highly recommend using BibGuru to create your Reference Page. It's free, it's easy and will create a page for you to copy and paste into your paper.
*Note: you will have to change the font when you add it to your paper.
This is the 'go-to' site for all things APA. It is an excellent resource when you have a question, or when you would like to look at sample papers.
It is a little bit more than you need for high school papers, however it won't be long before you need a dependable resource for post-secondary papers!